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Autumn 1

Maths – Number and place value, addition and subtraction and number facts.

English – A range of genres including film clips and stills as a stimulus for descriptive writing, diary entries, historical leaflets and poetry linking with our Romans history topic.

Science – We will explore animals including humans and investigate sound.

History – Did Romans really rule The World? We will gain an overview of the impact of the Roman Empire on Britain, including its lasting legacy. We’ll consider how different historical sources help us to know about Roman Britain and research what it might have been like to live in Britain during the period of Roman occupation.

Computing – We will apply our knowledge and understanding of networks, to understand how the internet works.  We will evaluate online content to decide how honest, accurate, or reliable it is, and understand the consequences of false information.

RE – We will learn about the main beliefs of Muslims and how these beliefs contribute to the Ummah – global community of Muslims.

PE – Coach Ross shall be teaching golf skills in the first half of Autumn term and we will also be focusing on invasion games and gymnastics.

Music – We will continue to follow our Charanga scheme of work and discuss how music brings us closer together and tells us stories of the past.

Art – We will research, design and develop techniques to create a Roman mosaic.

PSHE – Health and wellbeing.

French – children will be introduced to the sights of some typical French cities. They will also learn to describe places in a town and give their address in French.
