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Spring 2

Curriculum Focus for Spring Term 2023


Maths – Year 3 – adding and subtracting numbers up to 1000 and the 2,4 and 8 times tables.


English – A range of genres including non-chronological reports, poetry and narratives linking with our rainforest topic.


Science – We will investigate how living things are adapted to their environments.


Geography – What could be done to protect the rainforests? We will learn about the diversity of life in the rainforest and what can be done to protect it.


Computing – We shall be exploring data logging.


RE – We will learn about the main beliefs of Christians and how symbols in the Bible help Christians relate to God.


PE – We will be focusing on gymnastics and orienteering.


Music – We will continue to follow our Charanga scheme of work and will be composing using our imagination.


D and T – We will be investigating, designing and building a monsoon proof roof.


PSHE – Relationships.


French – Children will learn to recognise and say the French words for various fruit.
