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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At Scotter, relationships are at the heart of everything we do, staff work hard to ensure we have strong, positive relationships with children. We live our values of honesty, respect and friendship and we are a Rights Respecting Silver Award School.

We empower children to use their voices to express their feelings, ask for help and be the change that they want to see.




What are the school’s aims for pupils with SEND?


Our aims for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities  (SEND)  are the same as for all our children; to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and the highest quality of education.



Nationally it is expected that approximately 20% of children experience learning challenges at some point of their education.  All children at Scotter have access to the full curriculum regardless of their needs. We have high ambitions for our SEND pupils and set targets that stretch them. Some children may require more specialised teaching which can be better provided within a small group or one a one-to-one basis away from the classroom.  Other children may have their learning supported by use of resources, however our aim is to be as inclusive as possible and to develop our children's independence.


This page collates the information you about how we support children with SEND. Our fully detailed  SEND Information Report  can be downloaded as a PDF below.

If you think your child needs further support in any area of school life, your first point of contact should always be the class teacher.

You can contact class teachers by using class dojo, via the office or by using their emails shown below.

Owl Class 

Squirrel Class or

Rabbit Class or 

Robin Class

Hedgehog Class

Badger Class or

Woodpecker Class or

Fox Class 

Kestrel Class 

Kingfisher Class


Mrs Julie Wilson is the school's SENCO.

You can contact Mrs Wilson directly on: 

 I monitor my emails daily and will usually respond within a couple of days, depending on my teaching commitments.

My non-teaching day is Tuesday for the 2024/25 Academic Year.

should you wish to speak to me directly, I will be more likely to be available then, via the main school number.

01724 762259 


Miss Sam Ferguson is the school's SEND Assistant and Mrs June Needham is the school's Emotional Litercay Support Assistant.

We work closely together to ensure timely support for children across the school.

Look out for information regarding our new 'Drop in' sessions beginning in the Autumn Term 2024.

Further Help and Support.

There are many services which you can access for further advice and support around meeting your child's needs. there are also local support groups. Please see links below.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice

Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from 1 September 2014.



Lincolnshire's Local Offer

Find everything you need to know about SEND in one place.

The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families


Lincolnshire Family Services Directory

A directory of local organisations and activitites  near where you live.


Liaise Lincolnshire


Liaise is Lincolnshire's Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS).

They provide confidential and impartial information, advice and support to children and young people (0-25 years) with SEN and disabilities, and their parents and carers.


Parents And Autistic Children Together

Support and activities for autistic children and their families. A friendly and informal group based in Lincoln and Gainsborough.


Lincoln Parent Carer Forum

Working alongside the Local Authority and Health to ensure that the services they plan, commision, deliver and monitor meet the needs of children with Special Eduactional Needs and Diasabilites. This site often has links to courses and events that might interest you.



The Four Areas of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


We can help to support your child's needs across all of the four areas of need as described in the SEND Code of Practice.


 Please click on the pages below for suggestions about resources, websites and groups/organistations which can help you to  support  your child at home. 

Responding to concerns and worries

At Scotter, staff are always happy to listen. Please contact us if you have any worries or concerns. There are many ways for you to communicate with us. You can chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day; use class dojo or email staff directly using the contact pages of the school website, or the links above. If you prefer, you can arrange an appointment by popping into the office or by emailing: or

or calling 01274 762259


If you are unhappy with the support your child is receiving in school, please speak to the class teacher or SENCO in the first instance as we will be happy to help.

Unresolved issues should then be forwarded to the headteacher.

Our complaints procedure is available if required.
