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Visitors in school who have talked to us about keeping safe

February 2022

Children in years four, five and six had a session on Positive Relationships which included consent.

The workshop covers what a relationship is, and the different types of relationships that the pupils have.

The focus was on family and friendships. Children explored the qualities of a good relationship versus what happens when things go wrong, and how we can resolve our differences whilst respecting other people’s views and opinions. It also delicately covered issues around keeping any secrets that they are uncomfortable with, and some of the dangers of using online/social media.

There was also a large section looking at positive self-esteem. It has been found that young people who have a positive self-esteem are much more likely to have healthy relationships as they grow older.

March 2022

Years four, five and six had a visit from the local PC, PC Shaw, who talked about the protected characteristics including racism.  Children were able to explore various scenarios which included unconscious bias and what may happen as a result of the decisions or actions of people.

June 2022

We had someone come in to talk to us about moving up to Secondary school.  How to use the bus to school and home safely and what to do if we are concerned.

July 2022

Pam Street, from Road Safety, Lincolnshire spent the day in school meeting with each class to talk about road safety.


In year two the children had a session on how to stay safe as a pedestrian.

Years three and four explored car safety.

Year five and six looked at why it is essential that they wear a bike helmet when cycling.

July 2022

Year Two had a session that explored friendships and healthy relationships.

July 2022

Year six looked at the positives of the internet, positive communication online looking at popular app usage and games. Scenario-based questions were used to explore how we can deal with negative situations online andwhat malicious communications consists off. The session ended with support mechanisms such as ChildLine.

Year two learnt about how to keep themselves safe as a pedestrian.

Children learnt about car safety in years three and four, including what type of car seat they should be using.

September 2022

Year Six had a session led by the Local Mental Health Team on worries - what can cause us to worry and how we can deal with the feelings.

September 2022

Year six had a session on What's in the Box where they explore the use of drugs and substances.

By the end of the lesson pupils were able to:

• explain that there are risks associated with using any type of drug/alcohol and identify some of the risks and effects of drug/alcohol use

• recognise that drugs/alcohol have laws related to them and that some drugs are illegal to own, use or give to others

• analyse the level of risk in different situations, identifying that drugs/alcohol can affect people in different ways

• explain that for some people drug/alcohol use can become an unhealthy habit that can be difficult to break but there is support available to help people; where to report any concerns they have

October 2022

Year Six have had a session this morning about online safety. Pupils have explored how to keep themselves safe and what to do if they see something that upsets them or they make a mistake and send/say something they shouldn't.

Members of the School Council and Prefects have received Mental First Aid training so that they can support their peers.

November 2022

A member of the local Mental Health team delivered an assembly about anxiety - what it is, what it may feel like, that it is natural to feel anxious at times and how we can deal with these feelings positively.

Every class had a Speak out Stay safe assembly and years five and six had a NSPCC led workshop too in December 2022

January 2023 - This afternoon Key Stage Two had an assembly led by a member of the Mental Health Team on Low Mood, what it is and what we can do to help low mood.

May 2023

Children in year Three were measuring their heights as the law states children under 135cm must use a booster seat and if over it depends on how the seatbelt fits which varies from car to car.  They also discussed how drivers could be distracted and the implications of drivers being distracted.

May 2023

Pedestrian Safety

Children in year four learnt about how to stay safe when walking around the village.

May 2023

Pupils in year five had a session on why they need to wear a bike helmet to keep safe and how to make sure that it fits correctly.

May 2023

Pupils in year six went on a walk around the village with a focus on how to keep themselves safe as a pedestrian.

June 2023


Year Two learnt about the dangers of the internet and talking to people online who they don't know as they are still strangers.  They looked at a range of APPs and their age rating. 


Children learnt that they should talk to a grown up if they are unsure or have a funny feeling in their tummy.  They drew hand of safety which included 5 people they felt safe with and who they could talk to if worried.

June 2023

Our Year Six received CPR training.  An opportunity to learn life saving skills.

June 2023

The children in Year Two learnt the dangers of roads and cars and how to safely walk past driveways and cross the road. They learnt to look, hear and think before crossing. We also learnt about the role of our lollipop man and the different coloured lights we would be able to see on a car.

We then went and put all this knowledge into practice and walked through Scotter safely, checking driveways as we passed them.

November 2023

Year four took part in a pedestrian safety lesson with Mrs Street from The Lincolnshire  Road Safety Partnership. We discussed what dangers to look out for as pedestrians, particularly when crossing the road. We talked about different scenarios and decided if  they were risky or safe. In groups we drew maps of journeys we took regularly and labelled where we most needed to think about safe behaviours.

Year Three learnt the importance of how to stay safe in a car.  We discussed why it was important to have a car seat and when you no longer need one.  We then measured ourselves to see if we were tall enough to travel without one and we learnt the legislation that states children over twelve or over 135 cm longer need a car seat.


We also talked about the dangers of distraction including arguing, playing, pets and most importantly mobile phones.

March 2023

In March Mrs Streets revisited school and led a session with Year Five on the importance of wearing a well fitted cycle helmet when out and about on our bikes and went on a nature walk with Year Six, exploring the dangers in our local area and how to keep ourselves safe when out in our local area.

June 2024

All Year 2 children completed Pedestrian Training. They had an indoor session in the morning, learning all about road safety, including the different vehicles that may be on the road and different road signs. In the afternoon, we went on a walk in Scotter, putting what they had learnt to practice!

September 2024

Year Four were taught about how to keep their personal information safe when online, how to deal with different situations that they may experience online and the settings that can be used to keep them safe when they are playing games. 


Keeping children safe online is an area of safeguarding that needs to be regularly revisited due to the fast pace of change.

