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Welcome to Year 6!


Class: Kingfisher

Year group: Year Six

Teachers: Miss Houldridge

PPA teacher: Mrs Salvidge

Number of children in the class: 30

(PPA is time for teachers to plan, prepare and assess)


Welcome to Kingfisher Class. We are a class of 30 Year 6 children who are taught by Miss. Houldridge and are helped by Mrs. Bateman, Mrs. Oxley and Miss. Ferguson. Miss. Mumby will also be working closely with the class this year. This page is where you can find important information, as well as updates of the fun things we are getting up to in class.


We are part of UKS2  and therefore learn closely with the rest of Year 5 and 6 in Kestrel and Fox Class. PE is on Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days.


Homework will be given out on Fridays along with Spellings. These will be tested the following week. If you need to contact me directly, please use the contact form below or contact me directly on ClassDojo. 



Class Charter

Class Information



Fox, Kestrel and Kingfisher Class Newsletter – Summer Term 2 2024
Welcome back to our final term this year and for some their final at Scotter School! We have lots of exciting things ahead to look forward to as well as some special activities for Year 6!
Reminders for Summer Term 2 2024
Each day, children will need suitable uniform according to the weather, water bottles containing water only, healthy snacks for break, reading book and reading diary every day, please can you encourage as much reading at home as possible. You may want your child to bring sun cream in to school. Please can they leave it in lockers and not share this with other children and ensure it is labelled. Books will be changed when needed. Children should not wear jewellery to school apart from stud earrings. Year 6 are welcome to wear their leavers hoodies everyday next term.
PE for Kestrel will be Monday and Thursday (year 5 will be swimming on Thursday), Kingfisher will have PE on Monday and Thursday. Fox will have PE on Monday and swim on Thursday. Children are to come to school in their PE kit and trainers on these days to avoid the need to change in school. Earrings need to be either removed for PE or covered in plasters that you provide please.
Class Dojo is still being used to communicate with parents and there is a contact the teacher form on the class page on the website for you to be able to contact us directly.

Curriculum Focus for Summer Term 1 2024
Our History topic this term will be: What legacy did the Ancient Greeks leave for us?
Maths Year 5 – angles, factors, multiples and prime numbers, roman numerals and data.
Year 6 – progression work for year 7.
English – We will be ‘writing to persuade’ and ‘writing to entertain’ using our History topic as a stimulus for writing.
Science – We will be exploring classification with the key question: What are living things and how do you classify them?
RE – We will be learning about a range of religions with our key question- How do religious and non-religious people express their beliefs/views creatively?
PE – we will be working on athletics and rounders skills. (Y5 swimming).
DT – How can you build a scale model of a parthenon?
Computing - How can I programme successfully?
Online safety – How can technology affect health and wellbeing?
PHSE – What do I need to know about the wider world?
French – ‘Me in the World’
Music - How does music connect us with the environment?
Diary Dates for Summer Term 2023
Return to school Monday 3rd June
Monday 17th June- Friday 21st June- Careers Week
Monday 24th June- Sports Day
Friday 28th June- Transition to new class morning
Monday 1st July- Transition to new class afternoon/ Reserve Sports Day
Monday 15th July- Reports sent home
Thursday 18th July- Year 6 leavers assembly
Thursday 18th July- year 6 leavers Disco
Friday 19th July- Last Day of the year!
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - children return to school
As we have learnt, the best made plans sometimes need to change. The above dates may need to be altered but we will do our best to communicate any necessary changes as soon as we are aware.



Please feel free to come and see me if you have any concerns or questions, I will be happy to help.


Thank you

Age Related Expectations in Year Six for English and Maths


To contact Miss Houldridge directly, please complete the form below.
