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Spring Term 2

Curriculum Focus for Spring Term 2 2024

Maths – In Maths Year 1’s will be continuing to look at additive structures and addition and subtraction facts within 10. Year 2’s will be learning about division structures and shape. They will also continue to look at addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers.
English – We will be writing to entertain. We will be developing our use of capital letters, noun phrases, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, conjunctions and adverbials.
Science – We will be learning about what plants need to survive.
R.E – We will be looking at Islam and exploring the question ‘What does it mean and why does it matter to belong?’
P.E – In P.E Squirrel class will be doing dance with the sports coach, as well as Hockey skills (sending and receiving a ball accurately). Rabbit and Robin will also be doing dance and Hockey skills (sending and receiving a ball accurately).
D&T – We will be making clay pots.
Music – Will be exploring the question ‘How does music help us understand our neighbours?’
Computing – In Computing we will be looking at how digital devices can be used to capture images.

KS1 Spring 2 Newsletter

Science - Developing our outdoor area to plant seeds in!

In line with our learning in Science, we want to begin to develop part of our outside area. There is lots of work to do but we spent a little bit of time carefully pulling out some weeds! It will be a work in progress but the children are excited to be able to plant some seeds (vegetables and flowers to attract insects), take care of them and hopefully see them grow!

So far in Hockey we have spent lots of time practicing our dribbling skills and making sure that we are holding the stick correctly. We have practiced passing the ball to a partner and stopping it, as well as aiming the ball at a target!

English - Footpath Flowers

Science - Plants

To support our learning in Science, we set up an experiment to fairly test where/how plants grow best. We have put two pots in the light with water and two pots in the dark without water!

As part of WBD, the children had a dance workshop. It was based around the book 'Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish'. They were taught a routine that told the story - it was a brilliantly immersive experience!
