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Maths at Scotter School, is engaging and exciting.  We use NCETM documents to structure our maths lessons and supplement it with other resources and activities where we see necessary. 


In EYFS, KS1 and KS2 we supplement our curriculum with the Mastering Number program.


Throughout our lessons we encourage the mastery approach in maths to ensure children understand the learning objective and consolidate their learning and embed the Rosenshine Principles to help secure knowledge long term. 


We feel it is important in our maths lessons to ensure that it is as active as possible and we encourage the children to use resources and jottings where necessary.  We try to ensure that the children can use their maths skills to solve investigations and problem solve within lessons. 


It is important that children have a secure mental arithmetic to help with their lessons so we ensure that this is included as much as possible in our lessons.  


The mental arithmetic we encourage children to learn includes: 

  • number bonds to 10, 20, 100
  • times tables 
  • addition and subtraction (crossing the 10s) 
  • doubling and halving (inc near doubles such as 10 + 11)


Specific skills depends on your child's year group, your teacher will be the best person to speak to should you wish to know more details. They are mentioned on your child's class page too. 

Maths Intent Statement

Maths Implementation
