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Autumn 1


History -Our history project this term will be ‘What was life like for children during the war?’

Maths Year 5 – Decimal fractions, money, factors, multiples, prime numbers, multiplication and division.

Maths Year 6 - Calculating using knowledge of structures, multiples of 1000, numbers up to 10,000,000, multiplication and division.

English – We will be ‘writing to entertain’ and ‘writing to inform’ using our History topic as a stimulus for writing.

Science – We will be light and electricity and answering the questions – ‘What is light?’ and ‘What is electricity and how do we use it?’

RE – We will be learning about Hinduism. Our big question is ‘How do Hindu beliefs relate to ways in which they choose to live?

PE – We will be working on invasion games (hockey) and developing our dance skills.

Art – Children will base their artwork on their history work this term. We will be learning about portrait art and sepia tones to answer the question ‘Can life be captured in a portrait?’

Computing – Our key questions this term are ‘How is information shared?’ and ‘What is a vector?’

Online safety – We will be learning about copywrite and ownership and how information can be kept private and secure. Our questions include: Can I explain copywrite and ownership? How do I keep my information private and secure online?

PHSE – We will be learning about how to look after ourselves.

French - We will be learning about dates and home life
