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Spring Term 1


Curriculum Focus for Spring Term 2024


Maths – In Maths we will be continuing to learn about addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, before introducing multiplication.

English – We will be writing to inform. We will be developing our use of capital letters, noun phrases, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, conjunctions and adverbials.

Geography – We will be learning about our local area.

History – We will be learning about how Lincoln has changed; the importance of Lincoln Castle and what life was like living in a castle.

R.E – We will be looking at Christianity and exploring the question ‘What does it mean and why does it matter to belong?’

P.E – In P.E, Rabbit and Robin will be doing dance with the sports coach, as well as football skills (sending and receiving a ball accurately). Squirrel will also be doing dance and football skills (sending and receiving a ball accurately).

Art - We will be exploring ‘How can I use William Morris’ work in my Art?’

Music We will be exploring how music makes the world a better place.

Computing In Computing we will be looking at how we can use technology to make art.


KS1 Spring 1 Newsletter

English - Instruction Writing

Geography - Village Walk

We went on a walk around the village to study our local area. We stopped at various points throughout our walk, observing physical and human features around the village.

Art - William Morris

In Art we have been learning about William Morris. So far, the children have had a go at some observational drawings and at extending one of his pieces of artwork. 

KS1 went to visit the church. Reverend David did some singing with the children, which they all enjoyed. He spent some time discussing what churches are used for - christenings, weddings, funerals, communion. He spoke about churches being a place of sadness, as well as joy and happiness. He showed the children the different features of a church and ended the session with a prayer.
