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Spring 1

EYFS Newsletter – Spring Term 1 2024


Reminders for Spring Term 1 2024


Please can you make sure your child has a coat at school every day as the weather is so changeable and a sunny morning can often change to a rainy afternoon. We like to take advantage of our lovely outdoor area and encourage the children to explore and investigate in the fresh air as much as possible whatever the weather (within reason!).

Please ensure your child has a named bottle filled with water with them each day.

We will be sharing poems and children’s favourite books on Mondays, and on Fridays we will be celebrating children’s out of school achievements, so please send any trophies or certificates in on Fridays.

P.E. will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children need to come to school on these days in their school P.E. kit.

Reading diaries and books will be sent home on Fridays and should be returned on Mondays. New eBooks will be assigned on Fridays.

Homework will be set on Fridays and should be returned by the following Thursday.

Updates will continue to be uploaded to ClassDojo, so please remember to check for updates. If you need to get in touch with me, please message me directly on ClassDojo. If you would prefer to email, my email address can be found using the contact box on our class page on the school website.


Curriculum Focus for Spring Term 1 2024


Maths – In Maths we will be looking at subitising; counting, ordinality and cardinality; composition and comparison of numbers to 10; addition; measure and number bonds to 10.

English – We will continue working on letter recognition and formation; blending and segmenting the sounds we know and writing captions and short sentences.

Understanding of the World – This term we will be learning about seasonal changes, comparing weather and climate in our country and polar regions and learning about how Chinese New Year is celebrated.

R.E. – This term we will be learning about books and stories which are special to different people.

P.E. – In P.E. we will work on sending and receiving the ball with our feet in our outdoor lessons, and dance in our indoor lessons.

Art – We will be exploring different media, using them to create seasonal artwork.

Music – We will be focusing on listening and responding to different styles of music, embedding foundations of the interrelated dimensions of music, learning to sing or sing along with nursery rhymes and action songs, improvising leading to playing classroom instruments, singing and learning to play instruments within a song, share and perform the learning that has taken place


Diary Dates for Spring Term 1 2024


Wednesday 3rd January: Return to school.

Thursday 25th January: Film Night

Friday 9th February: Last day of Spring Term 1.


As we have learnt, the best made plans sometimes need to change.  The above dates may need to be altered but we will do our best to communicate any necessary changes as soon as we are aware.

