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Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class Web Page



Class: Hedgehog

Year group: Three

Teachers: Mrs Milburn

PPA teacher: Miss Garton

Number of children in the class: 28

(PPA is time for teachers to plan, prepare and assess)


We are a class of 28 year 3 children taught by Mrs Milburn.


PE is on Monday and Friday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.

Homework is sent home on Friday and should be brought back into school by the following Friday.  New spellings are set each Monday these can be accessed on Spellingshed, these are tested the following Monday.

We also have a weekly times table challenge, the children have 5 minutes to complete as many times tables correctly as they can.  The aim is to beat their previous score.  Children can practise on TTRockstars.

School reading books will be changed as required.  The children have the responsibility of ensuring their reading books and reading diaries are put in the changing basket.


You can contact me using the above form or through Classdojo.  I am also available at the start and end of each day, please speak to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs Milburn.

To contact Mrs Milburn directly, please complete the form below:

Age Related Expectations in Year Three for English and Maths

Hedgehog Class Charter, linked to The Rights of a Child articles.
