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Summer 2

Curriculum Focus for Summer Term 2024

Maths - Fractions - non-unit fractions, parallel and perpendicular sides in polygons and time.


English – A range of genres including writing to inform using the book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth for inspiration. We'll be writing to entertain linking our work to the film The Croods.


Science – We will be investigating the question 'What are forces?'.


History – How do we know about pre-historic times? We will be learning all about The Stone Age.


Computing – We will be learning if computers can be musical instruments


RE – How is a pilgrimage different from a holiday?


PE – We will be focusing on striking and fielding games and athletics


Music – We will continue to follow our Charanga scheme of work - How does Music shape our way of life?


Art- What was stone age cave art?


PSHE – How can I live happily and safely in the wider world?


French – Children will learn items in the classroom.

