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Spring Term 1

Spring Term 1


Curriculum Focus for Spring Term 1 2024

Maths – In Maths Year 1’s will be continuing to look at recognising, composing, decomposing and manipulating 2D and 3D shapes, numbers 0-10 and additive structures. Year 2’s will be continuing to learn about addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, before introducing multiplication.

English – We will be writing to inform. We will be developing our use of capital letters, noun phrases, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, conjunctions and adverbials.

Geography – We will be learning about our local area.

History – We will be learning about how Lincoln has changed; the importance of Lincoln Castle and what life was like living in a castle.

R.E – We will be looking at Christianity and exploring the question ‘What does it mean and why does it matter to belong?’

P.E – In P.E we will be doing dance with the sports coach, as well as football skills (sending and receiving a ball accurately). 

Art - We will be exploring ‘How can I use William Morris’ work in my Art?’

Music – We will be exploring how music makes the world a better place.

Computing – In Computing we will be looking at how we can use technology to make art.

Year 1 Maths

Year 2 Maths

Geography - Our Local Area

Visit to St Peter's Church
