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PSHE Intent Statement

PSHE Implementation

Learning about democracy and how the government works

PSHE and RSE Highlights

All children in Year 2 completed 'Dealing with Emotions' training.

The children:

  • Showed what their body language might look like when feeling different emotions. 
  • Ordered the emotions in order from most to least important. 
  • Completed some work on when they feel these different emotions. 
  • Practiced some breathing techniques and other things that they can do when they're feeling a particular way.

Financial Literacy - Year one and two had employees visit from HSBC. They held a session on identifying the coins used in our monetary system, adding money and why it is good to save for things.

In June all of year six visited Kidzania in London. They were able to experience ultra-realistic role-play activities mirroring real-world careers. It was an opportunity where education and fun met and pupils were able to freely explore a number of possible future careers beyond their own experience or that of their families and friends. We want to prepare our pupils for the world of work and to support them in exploring careers where they will not only succeed but also thrive.

Below is a link to the page where we share the visitors we have had in school who have helped us to know how to keep ourselves safe.

Working with Parents in the development of the RSE policy and curriculum

Parents were consulted about the RSE policy back in 2019 with a meeting being held in school, this was followed by a parent questionnaire sent home. 

Furthermore, when Big Talk began to work with school in 2023, parents were consulted about the content included.


RSE meeting with parents 2019

Further consultation October 2020

Big Talk Letter 2023

Big Talk Letter 2024
