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Reading Ambassadors

Reading Ambassador Job Description
Reading is very important at Scotter Primary School as we know that much research has shown that children who read regularly at home perform better at school. We have a team of Year 5 and 6  Reading Ambassadors who provide a children’s voice in how we promote reading throughout the school.

Reading Ambassadors:
* Reading Ambassadors are chosen for their love of reading, their willingness to share this passion with others and enthusiasm to promote reading throughout the school. Reading Ambassadors must wear their badge during the school day and look after it well.

Reading Ambassador Roles:
* Part of the job of the reading ambassador is to promote and encourage others across the school to read.
* Encourage and support readers from KS1 (Reading Buddies)
* Share book reviews and recommendations with others.
* Help organise whole school reading events.
* Help create displays to promote reading within school.
* Help tidy and organise our library
* Meet regularly to share ideas about how to promote reading across the school.
