This page will show everything our second set of coders have completed during their time in code club.
The club runs from March -May and will consist of 6 sessions of coding using Scratch, Tinkercad or Crumble.
Week 1
In week 1, we tried to create a dodgeball game using Scratch. It was difficult and the code was complex but our problem solving skills were great. We worked well together in teams and supported one another to solve a range of problems. We came up with solutions independently too and enjoyed playing the game.
If children want to play the game, the link is here:
Week 2
This week, we looked at a new coding program: and investigated what we could do with the program without any help. We found we could draw, play games and escape mazes by coding the car. Here is some of our work:
Week 3
This week, we looked at coding with Tinkercad. Children were tasked with building a robot! This was very tough and it took a lot of problem solving and debugging. After Easter, we plan to finish the robot and then try to get it to move! Here are some of the successful faces:
Week 4
This week, we started our practical work. We will be using Crumble kits (that we purchased using the money we raised through our Year 5/6 Enterprise work at Christmas) to make moving robo-buggies. This week, we used our STEM skills to make the buggies. Next time, we will start to write our program for our cart and hopefully watch it move around the classroom.
Week 5
This week, we started to test our crumble programming. We set up our circuits and some of us managed to program our buggy. There was a lot of debugging going on because some of our buggies kept going round and round in circles! Hopefully by next week, we will be able to have our buggies going where we want them to.
Week 6
This week, we debugged a lot of our problems and all our carts worked! We had a c\great time and learnt so many new skills. Some of our buggies ended up being robotic dogs on leads, some became racing buggies and some became dangerous taxis. Well done to all the coders this term. Your problem solving and determination were fantastic!