Supporting Parents
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. It is vital that we work closely with parents to keep all of our children safe. With technology and social media often being accessible directly to children, it can be a challenge to know what the risks are. At Scotter Primary, we do our utmost to keep parents up to date with new risks by sharing safety guides and information and providing courses when available.
September 2022
Social Media and Mental Health
The session will be led by the Mental Health Team in the school Hall. The workshop explores the role and impact of social media on young people's mental health and wellbeing. How to stay safe online is briefly explored and how we can develop a healthy attitude towards social media use.
October 2022
Taking Time to Stop Understand and Move On
The course for parents, families and friends is outlined below and will be held in school on Tuesday 27th September, 4th October, 11th October and 18th October, 4:00pm until 5:30pm. Parents who do not have children who come to Scotter Primary, may also attend – the purpose of the sessions is to support parents, regardless of age and what school they go to. If you would like to attend, can you please complete the form:
Taking time to Stop Understand and Move On
Top tips and tools to help your child develop greater resilience, understand themselves and embrace wellbeing.
Children are often asked to bring a pencil case to school with specific ‘tools’ and equipment for them to use in different lessons. This 4 week course is for any parent or guardian who wants to explore new ways to help their children navigate through the rollercoaster of life by providing a ‘toolkit’ to help manage the big emotions and challenges that come their way.
Taking the principles from Paul McGee’s Sunday Times Bestseller book ‘SUMO’, each week will contain practical tips and tools and resources for you to take away and use.
Session 1 – Me, you and the big world out there.
In this session we will explore the meaning of wellbeing. For us and our family what does this look like? How can we be in control of this and how can we help our children be in control of this for themselves too? We will look at the importance of learning to press ‘pause’ in order to self-regulate, think and make good choices.
Sessions 2 – Shall we think about that?
We think a lot. We spend almost all of our time thinking, however, is all of that thinking healthy and helpful or can it sometimes be unhealthy and unhelpful? In this session we will be learning how to tell the difference between the two. This week will be full of really simple and practical tips and tools to help use when “faulty thinking” creeps in.
Session 3 – I just can’t see it
Have you ever felt like you were speaking a different language to other people? Have you ever felt frustrated that you are not heard or really listened to? This session investigates the idea of perspectives and how these can affect how we respond and react to one another. We will also be discussing what we need to do when it all gets too much and how this time can provide us with the valuable opportunity to make choices about how we best move on.
Session 4 – Just do it
This final session is all about looking ahead. We will explore how to dream dreams again, how to celebrate successes and how to help your child make manageable steps forward.
November 2022
Two members of the local Mental Health team led a 90 minute session for parents on anxiety. The workshop explored what anxiety is, how this can be useful in driving us to keep us safe and succeed. It also discussed practical strategies that we can use to help children to understand and manage their worries and provide some coping strategies in the form of worry time, problem solving and mindfulness activities.