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Autumn 1

Owl Class Newsletter –

Autumn Term 1 2024


Welcome to Owl Class! We hope your child will be very happy as they begin their learning journey at Scotter School. We have lots planned for this term - we are going to be so busy learning and having fun!


Reminders for Autumn Term 1 2024

Please can you make sure your child has a coat and a sun hat at school every day as the weather is so changeable and a sunny morning can often change to a rainy afternoon. We like to take advantage of our lovely outdoor area and encourage the children to explore and investigate in the fresh air as much as possible whatever the weather (within reason!). 

Please ensure your child has a named bottle filled with water with them each day.

We will be sharing favourite books on Mondays, and on Fridays we will be celebrating children’s out of school achievements, so please send any trophies or certificates in on Fridays.

P.E. will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Outdoor P.E. will be on a Tuesday, then we will be indoors for P.E. on Thursdays.  Children need to come to school on these days in their school P.E. kit.

Updates will continue to be uploaded to ClassDojo, so please remember to check it regularly. If you need to get in touch with me, please message me directly on ClassDojo. If you would prefer to email, please use the contact box on our class page on the school website.


Curriculum Focus for Autumn Term 1 2024


Maths – In Maths we will start the term working on subitising, and the composition and comparison of number.

English – This term we will be focusing on letter recognition and formation, and name writing.

Science – This term we will be learning about the human body and the seasons.

History – This term we will be learning about our families.

R.E. – This term we will be learning about ourselves.

P.E. – In P.E. we will be working on basic movement and throwing and catching.

Art – We will be experimenting with using different media and colour mixing.

Music – We will be singing Nursery Rhymes and action songs.


Diary Dates for Autumn Term 1 2024


Wednesday 4th September – Children return to school

Friday 27th September – Macmillan Coffee morning

Tuesday 8th October – Individual Photographs

Wednesday 16th October – Parents Evening

Thursday 17th October – Parents Evening

Friday 18th October – Last Day of Autumn Term 1.



As we have learnt, the best made plans sometimes need to change.  The above dates may need to be altered but we will do our best to communicate any necessary changes as soon as we are aware.


