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Autumn 2

KS1 Newsletter – Autumn Term 2024

Reminders for Autumn Term 2024

Please can you make sure your child has a coat at school every day.  We like to take advantage of our lovely outdoor area and encourage the children to explore and investigate in the fresh air as much as possible whatever the weather (within reason!). 

Please ensure your child has a named bottle filled with water with them each day.

Reading diaries will be sent home, and new eBooks assigned, on Fridays. Please return Reading Diaries to school on Mondays.

We will be sharing our favourite stories on Mondays, and on Fridays we will be celebrating children’s out of school achievements, so please send any trophies or certificates in on Fridays.

On P.E days children need to come to school on these days in their P.E kit.

                 Squirrel: Monday and Friday

Updates will continue to be uploaded to ClassDojo, so please remember to check for updates. If you need to get in touch with me, please message me directly on ClassDojo. If you would prefer to email, my email address can be found using the contact box on our class page on the school website.


Curriculum Focus for Autumn Term 2024


Maths – In Maths Year 1’s will be learning about the comparison of quantities and part-whole relationships, beginning numbers 0 to 5 and recognising, composing, decomposing and manipulating 2D and 3D shapes. 

English – We will be writing to entertain. We will be developing our use of capital letters, noun phrases, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, conjunctions and adverbials.

Science – In Science we are exploring the question ‘How are the seasons different throughout the year?’.

History – We will be exploring the impact of The Great Fire of London.

R.E – We will be learning about what Muslims learn and understand about Allah and their faith from the Qur’an.

P.E – In P.E, Squirrel will be doing Multi-skills with the sports coach, as well as throwing and catching. Rabbit and Robin will also be doing Multi-skills, as well as throwing and catching.

D&T - We will be learning about how we can make a moving vehicle.

Music We will be exploring the question ‘How does music teach us about the past?’

Computing In Computing we will be exploring how we can use a computer to make the sounds of different instruments.

Online Safety – In Online Safety, we will be learning about how you can ensure a healthy well-being and lifestyle online, copyright and ownership online and what your self-image and identity can look like online.



Diary Dates for Autumn Term 2024


Diary Dates for Autumn Term 2 2024 

28th October – INSET day for staff.

29th October – First day of Autumn 2.

14th November – Light and Dark Night (3:30-5:30).

20th November – Non-uniform day – Wear something blue for World Children’s Day.

3rd December – The Great Fire of London Workshop.

5th December – Christmas Market.

11th December – EYFS and KS1 Nativity (9:30-10:30).

12th December – EYFS and KS1 Nativity (9:30-10:30 & 2:00-3:00).

16th December – EYFS and KS1 Christmas Party – Party clothes to be worn.

17th December – Polar Express Day – Pyjamas to be worn.

19th December – Last day of Autumn 2 & Rudy’s Run.


As we have learnt, the best made plans sometimes need to change.  The above dates may need to be altered but we will do our best to communicate any necessary changes as soon as we are aware.


