Looking after your Mental Health
It has never been more important to look after our own and our children's mental health than it is now.
With this is mind, here is a link that you might find helpful.
Activities and information to support children's wellbeing at this difficult time.
Further Activities and Ideas for Positive Mental Health
As the lock-down continues, the strain on us all can become a bit overwhelming for us all.
I have been finding some more activities and stories which might help.
Starving the Gremlin
Below are 2 PDF versions of books about Starving the Gremlins inside which feed on our anxiety or anger.
They might help you to help your children to find strategies to deal with those feelings and to soothe and calm themselves.
Lego challenges
These might give you and your child a different focus if you are feeling the strain of home learning.
Fun Activities
Below are a selection of mindfulness and positive mindset activities that you could try together, again as a break from the home learning.