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Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium

The government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up lost time after school closure.


Funding allocations

School allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis.

Mainstream school will get £80 for each pupil in from reception to year 11 inclusive.


Payment schedule

Schools will get funding in 3 tranches.

  1. Autumn 2020 – this is based on the latest available data on pupils in mainstream schools and high needs place numbers in special, AP, hospital schools and special schools not maintained by a local authority.

  2. Early 2021 – based on updated pupil and place data. This payment will also take account of the initial part payment made in autumn 2020 so that schools will receive a total of £46.67 per pupil or £140 per place across the first 2 payment rounds.

  3. Summer 2021 term - a further £33.33 per pupil or £100 per place.

