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The school's Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Tracy Cockram,


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Claire Pearce,


If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead using the above email.  Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Mrs Cockram - Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Pearce - Deputy Safeguarding Lead

All staff and Governors undertake extensive training in addition to the Designated Safeguarding Lead attending termly Local Authority updates and being part of the local safeguarding cluster.

Updates for online safety and other concerns raised in the local or wider area are always shared with parents who we work in a close partnership with.  It is when school and home work together that our children are kept safe.

Pupil voice and relationships are key.  We all have a constant professional curiosity and make sure that we are the adults that our children need us to be if they need to make a disclosure.


In addition to gathering pupil voice we also complete hot spot mapping, where pupils look at a plan of the school and identify where they feel the most and least safe.

We held an assembly where the findings of the mapping were shared and discussed
