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Autumn Term 2


Curriculum Focus for Autumn Term 2023


Maths – In Maths Year 1’s will be comparing quantities and part-whole relationships, exploring numbers 0-5 and recognising, composing, decomposing and manipulating 2D and 3D shapes. Year 2’s will be continuing to learn about calculations within 20, before moving onto fluently adding and subtracting within 10, addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers and introducing multiplication.

English – We will be writing to entertain. We will be using the book Once Upon a Time Map to support our learning. We will be developing our use of capital letters, noun phrases, exclamation marks, similes, alliteration, repetition, comparative adjectives and lists of 3. In English we will also be learning about shape poems.

Science - In Science we will be learning about what our bodies can do and how we can stay healthy.

Geography – We will be learning about the oceans and continents and British beaches and seas. Additionally, we will be using compass points to move around a map.

R.E – We will be exploring how the Qur’an says about how Muslims should treat others and live their lives.

P.E – In P.E, Squirrel Class will be doing gym with the Sports Coach and throwing and catching. Robin Class Year 1’s will be doing circuits and throwing and catching, while all Year 2’s will be doing ballet and circuits.

D&T - We will be exploring what we can eat to stay healthy.

Music We will be exploring how music helps us to make friends.

Computing In Computing we will be learning about how information technology benefits us.

KS1 Autumn 2 Newsletter
