Scotter Primary School aims to provide a safe, nurturing and caring environment where all pupils achieve their full potential and have the confidence and skills to meet the challenges of the future.
Within the school community we value:
- Honesty
- Respect
- Friendship
- To achieve the best outcomes for each child through partnership between pupils, staff, parents and the wider community.
- To develop enquiring minds and enterprising skills and to embrace lifelong learning.
- To ensure that pupils feel a sense of achievement and celebrate their contributions to society.
- To cherish social and cultural diversity so that everyone feels valued and respected.
- To help pupils understand issues affecting their health and well-being.
- To enable pupils to become people who are responsible and environmentally and globally aware.
- To encourage pupils to maintain high standards of behaviour at all times.
- To provide professional development, identified through appraisal procedures, to enable our teachers to be the best they can.