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2024 - 2025

The election of school council members is took place on Thursday 12th September 2024. (Owl school council elections will take place in Spring term once the children have found their feet!)

The School Council shall consist of two elected members from each class. In addition to this, year 6 will also elect a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer.

All children had the opportunity to put themselves forward as a candidate to represent their class and the whole school. In their manifesto they could tell their peers a little about themselves and why others should vote for them. They could give a list of promises of what they will do if voted for. What skills and abilities do they have?

Specific qualities needed to become a School Council Member:
As an individual, you may bring lots of additional skills and abilities to this role in particular, however to be a successful School Council member you need to:
• Be reliable.
• Be proud of our school and want our school to be the best it can be.
• Listen carefully to the views of others and take their ideas on board.
• Represent the majority view of your class, even if you don't agree!
• Commit time to this role and accept that you may need to do things during break times and/or lunchtimes.
• Be enthusiastic.
• Be kind and respectful.
• Be patient.

What happened:
• Talked to their class for 2 minutes to explain why they wanted to be on the School Council and explained how you would make the school better.
•Each class then voted democratically for their favourite candidates.

Working with other schools to improve playtimes.

Some of our School Council representatives met with School Council members from Osgodby and Middle Rasen primary in September to discuss and share ideas on improving playtimes.

They are gathering information and views before meeting again in November to agree actions. They were articulate and listened and responded brilliantly.

The new School Council led an assembly introducing themselves, their role in school, plans and answering any questions.

During anti-bullying week School Council led an assembly explaining why we celebrate the annual event by asking staff and pupils to wear odd socks. By wearing odd socks, you are showing yourself and other pupils that you are all different and unique and that is something to celebrate not hide.
