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Autumn Term

Curriculum Focus for Autumn Term 2023
❖ Maths:
Year 3 – Adding and subtracting across 10 and numbers to 1000.
Year 4 – Review of column addition and subtraction. Numbers to 10,000.
❖ English – A range of genres including writing to entertain where we will be writing our own warning stories linking to our coast topic.
❖ Science – We will be investigating if animals can survive without a skeleton and if you can step on your own shadow.
❖ Geography – What is it like to live by the sea? We will be learning all about the coast.
❖ Computing – We will learn about connecting a computer and stop frame animation.
❖ RE – We will learn how Hindu and Islam worship and celebration build a sense of community.
❖ PE – We will be focusing on invasion games and gymnastics.
❖ Music – We will continue to follow our Charanga scheme of work learning about how music brings us together.
❖ D and T – We will be creating a healthy picnic and investigating how a lighthouse works.
❖ PSHE – How can I keep my body and mind fit and healthy?
❖ French – Children will learn to recognise and say the names of shapes and musical instruments in French.

Light Investigations - exploring how to effectively record our findings

Autumn Term Guided Reading Book

'Class Reading Book' linking to our 'Coasts' Topic.

Lighthouse Fact Files

Science - Nutrition in Humans & Animals. Keeping Healthy!
